Christmas Past, Present and Future

Tis the season. As I watch my son get excited about this time of year, I think back to when I was a child. The excitement of Christmas Eve, having supper with my grandparents on my fathers side, getting that new set of pj's to sleep in at night, and many more things. Really too many to list. 

Christmas past: There are many thoughts I have about the past for this time of year.  I remember those good times of spending it with family, having lots of love and happiness. I also have one distinct Christmas that I won't forget. We went to Hawaii when I was 14, and spent the holidays with family members. I was not thinking as I tried to catch a gecko with a glass. Smashed it to pieces and cut my thumb open and spend almost a full day in the emergency room. Best part, my parents had gone on a trip to the Big Island, thus leaving my aunt in charge.  There we were in the hospital trying to find out where my parents were located to get permission to have surgery. What a day. It does leave me with some good stories, and as one of my friends had said, "scars are the roadmaps to our lives". I've gotten some scars that are physical, but also ones that are emotional.  The past also includes having the holidays without grandparents for the first time.  The changes in traditions that happen when family members are no longer with you.  Then there is the first time being away from home, spending Christmas with just my husband, trying to keep some of those traditions alive that we had as kids. These are getting easier as we look at the present.

Christmas Present: My 3 year old son has opened my eyes on the excitement of this holiday and seeing his excitement is wonderful. There is something to be said about kids and Santa.  This year he really gets the whole idea of what will happen over these next few days.  The presents under the tree, the questions about "how will Santa get in our house mommy? We have no fireplace" makes me laugh and smile all at once.  It's time for me to create traditions that my own family will enjoy. We are not going to be spending it with our immediate family due to travelling and just being so far away, but thanks to Skype, everyone will be able to share in his joy this Sunday.  I've gotten into making cookies and baked good, something I've inherited from my mom. I love her so much for this! Cooking is something that I will pass on to my son and as he helps me now, I can see he will be a great helper later, just as I was when I was younger.  My plan is to keep the turkey dinner going as well. This is a favorite supper for myself and my dad, and I can always hear him say "turkey, turkey, turkey" when the smell grows through the spaces in our house. My turkey is bought for this year, ready to be cooked on Christmas day.

Christmas Future: As I build on these traditions, my hope for the years to come will be that these traditions are kept strong in our family. We may be living far away from family, but keeping in touch is important. I would love to see my son bake his own set of cookies over the holidays, to believe in Santa for as long as he can, to have the excitement rush over him as Christmas day approaches. Here's to the future and let it treat us all well.
