30 Day Writing Challenge - Day 1

   I had recently come across this picture in my news feed, thought it was interesting, contemplated it, and finally decided that I would complete it.

   Day 1: Five problems with social media
I find this first day's topic interesting. Here I am completing a writing challenge and essentially decided to post it on social media. 

Number 1 problem: Isolation. Yes we get "out" there and interact through social media, but we essential do this through our own little isolated world, in front of a glowing device of some sort. I am guilty of this for sure.  I sit and scroll through my feeds, sometimes checking in on people I know and don't know, all hidden behind my little glowing device. Is there a solution to this? Who knows....

Number 2 problem: Misconstrued words. It is so hard to understand what someone means when they say it through social media.  There are your typical symbols to help!? SOME FONTS AS WELL. Even some emoticons :P There are times, though, when something is "said" hence written down that will be misunderstood in some fashion. This goes along with problem number 1. 

Number 3 problem: Misinformation.  I've come across some articles and information that is being posted through social media that is not correct.  It is false documentation that is being shared upon shared through these channels.  At some point, it is like it is true information.  Gosh, seems to go along with number 1 and 2 doesn't it?

Number 4 problem: Personal information being available for EVERYONE. Ok, so yes I know we all share our pictures and life, but is there a point when it becomes too much? I enjoy sharing this, sharing my experiences, the things that I love doing and I like seeing what others are up to as well.  However, we all know that this information isn't just there for our family and friends. Anyone has access to this information, and if they wish, they can get it. Will I stop sharing, probably not...

Number 5 problem: So many choices.  There are so many types of social media out there, which one to you choose? Facebook? Instagram? Twitter? is there more? LOL?! I'm sure there are more and I don't wish to explore any more.  However, if you are trying to reach as many people as you can, for whatever reason, what is the best option?

I know that some people may not agree that all these are problems....I don't know if I believe that either.  But, here is my little social experiment, my 30 day writing challenge, that I will post and share through social media for all to read.  Will everyone read each day to see what I have to say? Who knows....only you, the reader will know if you come back for the next 30 days. Unless of course you let me know :P

Enjoy these topics as I write a little each day. Some days may be longer than others. If you wish to do this challenge as well, I would enjoy reading what you have to say :)
