30 Day Writing Challenge - Day 15

Topic: Three Pet Peeves

1. A messy bed.
I cannot stand it when it is time for me to go to bed and the bed sheets are not straight and tucked in. I would love to have a maid fix my bed each day so that when it was time for me to get in, it would be perfect.  Every night I have to pull apart the bottom of my bed and fix the sheet so that it is tucked in and not loose. 

2. Bad drivers.
There are a few items here that I can talk about.  4-way stops. They are the worse.  People trying to wave you through, thinking they are doing you good, when they should have just gone first since it was ACTUALLY their turn. Then there are the people that don't stop when it is your turn to go. Gah!!  We can also discuss here slow drivers. This will also apply to people in the grocery store that are sauntering through at a snails pace. Move over and get out of the way!

3. This one comes directly out of a Facebook image that I found. It is totally a pet peeve! LOL! This is me when I am sleepy. It is a huge pet peeve to have someone try to have a conversation with you when you are sleepy.  (Sorry Dan, this is not just for you, but unfortunately you see the brunt of this)  I like my sleep, I need my sleep, and I don't function well when I am tired.  Let this girl sleep and you shall be fine :)
