30 Day Writing Challenge - Day 2

Topic: Your Earliest Memory

I've been thinking about this one for a few days now, ever since seeing the topic list posted.  I think this is a challenge for sure. I am sifting through my brain, trying to recall memories of my childhood, trying to remember which ones are the earliest. I find myself loving some of these memories, and in some cases disliking them.

Loving Memories:
1: Running around our back woods with the local neighborhood kids. Mainly my sister, neighbor and the girl up the road. You all know who you are!
2: Being in Kindergarden class and going to Bowring Park for a walk. I remember that teacher and probably always will.

Not So Loving Memories:
1: Being in the grocery store, loosing sight of my mom, and wandering around searching for her familiar face.  If it wasn't for the fact that she is a shorter person, my search might have been quicker. I can't remember how old I was, but I know I acted brave and pretended to not have been scared to be separated from her.
2: Watching in fear as my sister slips and falls on a piece of glass and running to get help. Having my neighbors mom come to the rescue with a cloth in hand to cover the wound.

Earliest Memory:
From what I can recall, my earliest memory consists of being in the YMCA for daycare.  I went to sit down on the floor, along with all the other kids, and the boy next to me sat on my hand and bent my fingers back. It hurt. Not sure what happened after that, who the kid was, did I tell anyone what had just happened.... These memories are lost for now. Maybe one day I will remember more of what went on that day.

There are lots of other memories hidden in my head. I've kept them to myself for now. Some of these memories will be discussed in the upcoming posts, some not.  If you are fortunate enough to know me, I might share with you :)
