30 Day Writing Challenge - Day 4

Topic: 10 Interesting Facts About Yourself

Today's topic I like. It may seem as if I am bragging or something like that, but there may actually be information here that some of you do now know :)

1: I miss home. 
Home for me is where I grew up and currently where I have spent the majority of my life. That home is Newfoundland.  I miss it lots.

I miss the sounds of the ocean. A wonderful place I could visit every day.  I miss the smells of that ocean. The every changing landscape that ocean created on my favorite beach.

I miss my family and friends. I know I still get to see some of these people when we go home for a visit, and also being able to keep touch through social media. But still, there is nothing like having a conversation face to face with these people. With that I miss the accent. Mine is just about gone. There are some words I have people tell me that I still say with a Newfie twang (my townie twang really), but that's about it.

I miss the beautiful landscape that has so much to offer and explore.

2: I love the outdoors.
Growing up in Newfoundland develops this love of the outdoors!  I was always involved in programs which allowed me to experience the outdoors and really has made it a huge part of my life.

Now fast forward to living in Ontario. Awesome outdoors here as well. I have been able to explore this province and am learning of new places all the time.  Places that I feel I MUST go and see.

3. I love canoeing, camping, hiking.
Can I group these all together? Should I list this as 3, 4, and 5? Or should this be listed under number 2?! LOL. I've had a great opportunity to be able to share this in my workplace. 

4. I love my job!
Some people may not actually believe this, I do deal with teenagers, we all know what that can be like.  However, taking these teenagers on experiential learning trips, consisting of the things I love about being outdoors, really is wonderful.  I love to see their faces when I explain and teach all the knowledge I have learned over the years.  I figured out one day last year, that these 15-16 year old teens may have no outdoor experiences.  I have been lucky to be involved with programs that has exposed me to the outdoors for more than 30 years! Double their entire life! Gosh... makes me feel old!

5. I have 3 tattoos.
You will read about those in a future post.

6. I have some quirkiness.
We all agree in my family that we are all a little crazy. I am goofy at times, I sing in the halls at work, I dance in the halls at work, I dance in my class, I sing in my class, I do all this at home, out in public, in my car, etc.  If we didn't all have some quirkiness, I ask you, why not?

7. I have never lived on my own.
This may not be a big thing to some people, but I have never be out on my own. EVER. I have either lived at home until I was done university, and then immediate moved away from home and lived with my BF now hubby. I know this may not be something of interest to some, but I find it interesting. I can't explain why this is the case, that is just how it was. Would I ever change this? No.

8. I was 36 when I bought my first car!
Again, something that may not be of interest to some, like living on my own. I always had a vehicle to use, whether it was my parents or again my BF now hubby :). Being able to say, I own my own vehicle, and responsible for it, was just something I found interesting.

9. I have an awesome family.
I am able to go on some great adventures that include my family and share my love of the outdoors.  There may have been some convincing to do some trips (like multi-day canoe trips with portages *insert big smiley face for hubby*), while other trips are easy to plan. They have been able to deal with my crazy schedules surrounding my work, my soccer life, my social life :) I thank them immensely for this! I could not enjoy my life without them or the things I love doing. 

10. I have a big heart.
I have been told this by people, by family, by online quizzes (should I believe them? I think so).  I  find that it is hard to keep my feelings in check when I come across something that I feel to be important.  This can get me into trouble at times, but the good that comes out of it far outweighs the negativity. 
