Canada 150 - Mine Was Memorable, Was Yours?

Saturday, July 1st, 2017
We had no real plans.  I figured we would have the usual, "What do you want to do?" conversation this weekend. I was watching other people plan camping and canoeing trips, but we had opted to stay close to home.  There are quite a few Canada Day celebration activities planned in this area so off we went Saturday morning.  

Nails ready, courtesy of a dollarstore.
 I decided that we would check out the 555 Brewing Company in Picton for lunch as they have wood fired pizza, AND they are a brewing company after all.  They also have a nice outdoor patio with a 2x4 jenga set. 
  As you notice, there is always silly faces.... always....
Our next stop was to tour around downtown and check out all the outdoor activities.  The local tattoo shop was offering "tattoos" for kids (stick ons) and real $50 Canadian ones for adults.  Hard to tell, but I don't know if he was impressed by getting the fake one applied LOL. At the local park there was lots of bouncy castles.  I am not a huge fan since we are the ones waiting in line and not getting to participate. 😕

 After waiting in the hot sun, we got some yummy lemon-aid, accompanied by a silly dance. 

 All the bouncy castle time, getting snacks, etc was also passing time for when I would head back to the tattoo shop, Artistic Inklings, to get a REAL tattoo meant for adults.  I have been here a couple of times before in the fall, and Jamie does some real awesome work. So it was finally my turn and here is the result (sorry mom, I know what you are going to say).

That night we headed down to the waterfront to watch the fireworks.  Since we are celebrating Canada's 150th, I was hoping these would be good.  The sunset was surely setting the bar for the night as well.  Belleville did quite the display of fireworks tonight, which was super nice to see.  We had the chance to talk to our "fireworks neighbors" who were visiting from Montreal for the weekend.  They were asking about places to go and see for the reminder of their stay.  It was interesting when he commented on meeting people and how nice they were, and then discovered we are originally from Newfoundland. He laughed and said he heard we are the nicest people. 😊 It was a long day, and we all were looking forward to a good night sleep.  Plans for tomorrow were somewhat in the air, but there was a hidden agenda....

Sunday, July 2nd, 2017
 So I did mention the hidden agenda...ever since the #150for150 event last weekend in Algonquin, my push to get our own canoe has been hitting me really hard.  We have borrowed and rented canoes multiple times in the past, and I was super tired of carrying a heavy 80 pound canoe. I know I push my students to carry these canoes, but we are getting older (cough cough) and I am looking to get my own lighter canoe.  It was time.  So on Friday I had mentioned going out to Algonquin Outfitters and the Swift Canoe & Kayak place on Oxtongue Lake.  I think Dan knew this was going to happen as he just smiled at me.

He ended up waking me up just before 8 am Sunday saying.... "are we going or what? cause if we are, you need to get up and get ready. We should have been out of here hours ago."  I know, I know... I was not up and ready, but I tell you, it didn't take me long! We were out of the house before 9 and started our drive North.  We would end up going through Algonquin Park, major deja vu as we just camped here last weekend.

Once at the Swift store, we headed straight for all the displays, trying to find the canoe we had last weekend, and looking for what the third seat would be like.  Brian came over and we started with all the questions.  He was awesome to talk to, and even had us try out a couple of 18.6 canoes.  They were a little big for us, and it helped us identify that we were going to settle on getting a 17ft canoe.  We figure for the next, hopefully, 5 years or more Hayden would be joining us on our canoe trips.  It is important that he have a better place to sit, rather than on our gear or in the bottom of a wet canoe.

I had to laugh when Brian suggested that we go think about our possible purchase, hinting that maybe Dan was the one pushing to buy. Nope.. totally me... I'm the spender and he's the conservative one.  We mulled around the Algonquin Outfitters store (third one this year, and within a week of the last two!), and I had made up my mind. We were not leaving without buying the canoe.  I beeline it back to Brian, set up what we wanted, and BAM! Canoe will be ours in about a month. (Insert buyers remorse for Dan LOL) Obviously there will be a blog with her maiden voyage.  Now I have to think of a name for our lovely canoe that's coming.

Purchase complete, now the long wait! Thanks Brian at Swift!
 It was now time to let this all sink in, and we were wanting to also check out Oxtongue Lake and Ragged Falls Provincial Park while we were here.  It is located just on the west side of Algonquin and only a few minutes from the AO store. This was AMAZING! I was actually giddy as I approached the waterfall.  I love the roar of water and this was not a disappointment.  The water levels were apparently as high as they are in the spring.  I guess all this rain does leave us with such wonders as this.  Myself and Hayden ventured around the falls and Dan did his thing.  Taking photos, trying not to get wet, taking more photos, etc.

The photo below on the left is one that Dan took on his phone of me.  I would not want to fall in this. I don't think you would survive! The photo below on the right is showing where Dan had to venture to get his pictures.  I was watching him carefully since the rocks were slippery from the water spray.

Since we were driving through Algonquin Park, again, we stopped at the west gate for a photo op.  Plus Hayden is collecting patches from park and we checked out to see what was in the store on this end. He has another patch to add to his collection 😄

 Most times through the park, we do not see any big wildlife.  We got lucky last weekend to see a black bear, and this time we were able to see a moose and her calf.  I must say that people were really good in pulling off the road, and you know there is wildlife when you see this many cars.  Dan did say that someone was not as smart and double parked until everyone yelled at him to move his car.  There's always one in the crowd.
 The last stop was at the Logging Museum and Exhibition hike. We have never actually stopped here, but took advantage this time as it was a nice short hike around the outdoor exhibits.  Hayden was having fun going in and out of all the displays, and climbing on things when he could. So crazy to believe that these loggers actually could cut square logs this big with just their axes!

 Me thinks the bunk was a bit short?! Don't you?

Old vehicles on display.



Overall I would say that our weekend was pretty memorable! I have a few more memorable weekends in the future and I hope you are enjoying reading about what we do as a family. 
