Nap Time Soother

My son, very passionate, and very vocal..... Let this be the story of our nap time today.  Decided that it was time to try and get rid of the soother. wow.... I wonder if this was such a good idea. It all started this morning when we talk to him about not needing the soother anymore.  I just happen to mention that the soother fairy came and gave his soother to a baby.  He seemed to agree at the time and said he was a big boy.  

The morning went by, then the dreaded 1pm time crept closer.  Off to bed we went, to say nite nite before nap time. Then came the crying.  "I want sooooooder, mommy". I said again, that it was gone and given to baby's to use. EEK!  After about 45 mins of this and finally deciding to show him a soother with the tip cut off, he still was not happy.  "I want the tip" was the next thing. Finally I gave him a new toy, really one of my old TY beanie toys to cuddle with.  He grudgingly took the toy and got into bed.  During the little bit of time that passed as he was trying to go to sleep, he is talking to himself saying "tweet, tweet". It was a blue jay ty baby that I had given him

An hour has gone by, and there are peeps from him every now and again. I wonder how the next few days of naps will go....
