Do Things Get Better With Age?

As I get older, I am noticing a change in what I enjoy.  As my mom said to me when she first read my blog, "Is this the girl who hated English and now has started a blog centered around that?".  Even a comment from my husband centered around the idea of this not sounding like something I would say.  I suppose that writing things down as they come into my head, is truly how I feel and for whatever reason I can express them better.

I have recently taken to running as well. Now, not that I run fast or am planning on doing any major marathon..... yet...... but as a teenager, the thought of running, for anything, just sent me into a downward hatred spiral. I know, I know, I played soccer as a child, and there is running in that, but playing defence seemed to be less running than those who played other positions.  There were also many times while I was training for rowing, that a run had to be completed.  Even now, I still remember the hatred I had, escpecially when you have a coach driving by yelling at you to speed up because you are running so slow.  Hence the hatred built even more.

It wasn't until I after I had my son, that running with him in the stroller was my only way to really get out and enjoy the summer days, since I had him to look after.  Biking was an option, but we didn't have the equipment, and he was too young to be in a trailer.  So, my friend and I hit the trails.  I could run maybe 100m, then had to walk since I was panting so hard. Crap... here comes that hatred feeling again.   I persevered, with the encouragement of this friend, and built my running up to 10 minutes at a time.  After about a year of this,  and many times out running with different people, helping and encouraging me, I registered and completed my first 5K race.  I didn't finish first, nor did I finish last!  I ran it, walked once for about a minute, and LOVED IT! 

I have been running more and more, and training for my next race which is a quarter marathon. Only 10.55K for those of you who do not know this. 

So, yes, I guess I have changed a little in what I now enjoy and as I get older, things do seems to get better.  These just happen to be a couple of examples of things that were not liked in the past, but somehow, I have grown to love them.
