Recent Endeavors

This past weekend I completed in... well participated in, my first quarter marathon. How long is that you wonder? 10.55 km. This is the longest run/race that I have entered or completed to date.  My most worrysome thought was I had injured my foot 6 weeks ago running, and then 3 weeks ago hurt it again in soccer.  There was a span of the 6 weeks where I was out running maybe five times.

I can honestly say I was nervous. The race was not meant to be competitive and it was for woman only, but still, that feeling I had in my stomach minutes before the race of anxiety, thrill, excitement, nausiation, etc... wow... I know those of you who have competed before know this well. I would get the same way minutes before a rowing regatta. I still get it when preparing for soccer games. Just not as intense.

The race started out great.  Kept the pace with my coworkers, but by the 1K mark, they had pulled ahead. I decided to just focus on me. I wanted to do this in less than an hour and a half. Good timing for me really.  The rest of the race is really a blur and I have some memory of what I was thinking and doing.  I remember getting to the 2K marker and checking my watch. 14:23 and some change. That means if I stay on track I will meet my goal. The next little bit, my thought was WATER. Where was it and boy did I ever need it. Finally I see on the road, written in orange spray paint, 3K and WATER. YIPPEE. Probably my favorite word at that moment.  This is when the blur began. I do remember the turns in the road, the people that I played leap frog with, and the second stop that consisted of Choclate Bars! Not sure what the distance was at this location, no signs, or I missed them.

Then I see 8K! Excellent! 2.55K more to go. I know I checked my time, but again, blur set in and it didn't register.  The next part that was really clear was the 10K sign. YES, I remember this well.  I touched the sign as I passed and had a little burst of energy.  Down the trail, turn right, down the road, turn left, and in sight the school with the finish line.  You can hear the cheering of people as runners finish.  Then I enter the track. Burst of energy, my legs are like rubber and I pick up the pace.  I can see the finishers clock ticking the seconds away. 1:27:??  I was under the hour and a half goal!  My time in the end was actually 1:25.  One hour and twenty five minutes with some seconds.  The clock was started for the half-marathoners and we started 3 minutes later.

I FINISHED! Legs, check. Brain, check. Lungs, wait.... lungs....crap. I didn't have my puffer and with the humidity my lungs were hurting. Thank goodness my hubby was close by and ran to get it for me. Ok. Better. 

Then the celebration with family, friends, coworkers and other racers.  Over the next few days, I have been convinced to do many other races this summer and fall. I guess I better get out and start my training again.

Thanks to you all who were there with words of encouragement. See you on the road racing again soon.
