30 Day Writing Challenge - Day 16

Topic: Bullet Your Entire Day

  • Up at 6 am
  • Get ready for work
  • Made a smoothie for breakfast
  • Get morning hugs from my boys
  • Left at 7:10 am for work
  • Stopped at Starbucks (much needed on a test day)
  • Drove to work
  • Prep announcement for student award
  • Prepped class for test period 1
  • Period 1, 8:15 am - students wrote test, while they wrote test, prepped next unit
  • Period 2, 9:36 am - prep for meetings and start marking period 1 test, check social media :) enjoy Starbucks from the morning, call to order food for meeting
  • Lunch, 11:00 am - eat, socialize, mark some more tests
  • Period 4, 11:50 am - teach trigonometry (cosine law for those of you who remember it)
  • Period 5, 1:15 am - students wrote test, while they wrote test, continue marking period 1 tests
  • Check out volley ball team possibly going to help out here and there
  • Leave work to get 2nd vaccine shot (preparation for Cuba trip)
  • Drive home
  • Wait for Hayden to get of bus about 4 pm now
  • Go through Hayden's school stuff
  • Prep supper
  • Cook supper
  • Clean up after supper
  • Veg on the couch with Nermal sleeping on me while I play games on my phone and check social media, from roughly 6 until 7:30 pm (I should be marking the 2 sets of tests that I have in my bag, but I'm really good at procrastination, plus I have a meeting Tuesday night and I will be at school until 4:30. Lots of time then..... LOL)
  • Get Hayden ready for bed, read stories and sing songs
  • Veg on the couch and watch tv for a bit
  • Get ready for bed and then off to sleep
I am posting this early, but the last 2 bullets haven't happened just yet. I just know what I do in the evening. Especially since tonight I have nothing on the go :)
