30 Day Writing Challenge - Day 20

Topic: Put Your Music on Shuffle and Write the First 3 Songs That Play and What Your Initial Thought Is

I am not going to go through my actual music on my mp3 player.  It is used for running and I don't think I have much of a connection to this music. It is for running purposes, so my first thought is usually running. So currently I am listening to our Rdio subscription and have it on the Alt 90s station.  This is a lot of music from my teen years and probably the music that would be post worthy.  I've been listening to this station for a few days while my boys are off on a mini early birthday trip. Unfortunately with work, I am not able to go on these things that occur in the middle of the week.  So here I am, and here are the 3 songs that played when I decided to write this post.

1. Karma Police by Radiohead
Mark Fancey. He was my initial thought. He was my neighbor growing up for my entire childhood. He was a good friend, his sister also a good friend.  He loved Radiohead. I had never heard of this band until him.  I'm not one for music, I do like lots, but never really know the names or song titles. He would always comment that this was great music.  I never really got into listening to Radiohead, even though my husband really likes it. He does tend to tease me when we are in the car and a Radiohead song comes on and I don't turn it off right away.  There are some that I enjoy listening to, but not much.  However, I usually think of Mark whenever I hear one of their songs.

2. Never Let You Go by Third Eye Blind
This brings me back to those teen movies I would watch growing up. Not really much else to say here since it's not something I listen to all the time.

3. Lithium - Nirvana
OMG - Let's just relive high school for a few minutes.  There are so many people that I can mention in this post, the things we did, the trips we had, but I won't :P.  Vicki Wright was the first person I had thought about. She was one of these friends.  We became friends in grade 10, this British girl that had moved to Newfoundland.  We became good friends and the people we hung out with all enjoyed the same music.  There were lots of fun evenings at our friends houses.  Not only does this bring back a lot of that, but it was in high school when Kirk Cobain killed himself.

I wonder what these songs mean to you? It is interesting when we compare with each other what certain songs mean to a person. I wonder if there is anyone out there that has the same thoughts that I do? Guess I will never know.
