30 Day Writing Challenge - Day 3

Day 3 Topic: Your First Love and First Kiss, If Separate, Discuss Both

Wow, this one is throwing me for a loop. These are definitely separate events. I figure I will start with first kiss.  This tends to happen, I believe, to most of us before we actually find first love. With this, I am struggling. I am searching my memories, just like yesterdays post, for that memory of this first kiss event.  I have a few in mind, but I have no idea which one was first.

Was it that time I was sitting on the fallen down tree, in the woods, with this particular boy? Or, was it that innocent time with a neighborhood friend? Was this event so insignificant to me that I actually do not remember it at all? I'm starting to believe the latter on this. That all these times didn't actually mean much. I find that as move through my memories to getting older, I start to remember more of the kisses I had. Some nice, some great, some not so great.

First love....gosh, some of these topics are difficult. There were some crushes I had, for sure. None which I would consider a first love... There was one boy, at the time I would consider him my first love. I enjoyed being around him, got giddy when we talked, but we never actually dated. That love was in my own head. I suppose I was never brave enough to go with it, but alas, that was my life then.

I don't know if this is "post" worthy, but I will publish it anyways. I guess this part of my life is just not as interesting as some of the other topics I will encounter. I know that these two events have lead me to be the person I am today, and deep down I wish I could remember specifically these two events better.
