30 Day Writing Challenge - Day 30 FINAL DAY

Topic: One Thing You're Excited For

As this writing challenge is coming to and end...this is the last post for the month, I'm sitting here reflecting on the past month.

There has been some really interesting topics.  There were topics that were really hard for me to go through. Hard to express, to be honest and to share.  Then there are topics that were really easy.  I have posts that are long, some that are short.  I think the whole challenge here is to just get your thoughts out to the world.

This topic is tougher.  There are so many things that I am excited for.  If I were to pick just one thing, I would have to say just the adventures that are in front of me. I do not know yet what all these adventures are going to involve, but they are there. Waiting patiently for me to find them. 

I am definitely looking forward to our trip to Cuba. I have never been there and I'm excited.  Plus it will be with my entire family!! 

Here's to the adventures that await me, and thank you for reading.
